Giới thiệu
Huco Dai Phat is located at 39/61 An Phu Dong 09, An Phu Dong Ward, 12 District, HCM city, Viet Nam, our company has provided such technical services as: support installing, repairing, maintaining and verifying petroleum structures; maintaining, repairing, calibrating and veryfing auto-instrumentation and measurement systerms; industrial maintenance service in PetroVietnam. Huco Dai Phat employs approximately 70 person We have been supplying the following maintenance services:
1. Industrial maintenance and repair services
- Maintaining, repairing, testing and calibrating valves:
- On- off valves.
- safety valves and control valves.
- Control Valves
- Manual Valves
- Maintaining and repairing pipelines.
2. Supply High qualified personnel.
- 6G, 6GR, FCAW welder.
- Fitter.
- Painter.
- Rigger
- Serviceman.
- E&I technician.
Even though all services are currently done by good facilities with modern and comprehensive equipment; to have a senior team of professional, experienced managersand key personel who have been trained and upgraded at more jobs. We hope all maintenance requests can be served locally; bring to clients a convenient, in-time and saving solution.
II. Business: